Monday, March 30, 2020

Today's lesson: Giant's Causeway (31 March)

Aims of the lesson:

* to get information about a famous landmark "Giant's Causeway"
* listen to Scottish accent
* create a myth or a legend of your own

Task 1: Have you seen photos of that place before? Do you know anything about it?

Task 2: WB ex 3-4/80. Listen (and watch) to a story and do the tasks. In ex 3 there can be more than one correct answer.

Click here: Finn McCool

Task 3: Think of a famous nature  landmark in Estonia or in the world. How was it created? Write a myth or legend. Write at least 10 sentences. Add your first name to your post, title and a suitable photo. You can log in if you can, then you can edit you text later. Deadline: 3 April.

(Mõtle välja ühe kuulsa loodusliku paiga tekkelugu. Võib olla Eestis või mujal. Kirjuta vähemalt 10 lauset. Lisa oma kirjaööle eesnimi, loo pealkiri ja sobiv foto. Võid sisse logida, aga ei pea, siis saad hiljem oma tööd muuta. Selle töö lisamiseks on aega reedeni, 3. aprillini. )

Click here: Padlet "Our myths and legends"

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Today's lessons: Used to



* revise how to use "used to"
* at the end of the lesson you should know how to make affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences with "used to"

Let's get started!

Task 1: Introduction. Watch the video USED TO

How would you transate "I used to play tennis. I didn't use to play tennis? Did you use to play tennis?" Scroll down to see some options.

Task 2: SB ex 1/75 (vasta küsimustele enne lugemist, loe dialoog, tõlgi laused kus on "used to" kasutatud)

Task 3: SB ex 3 / 75 READ (Õiged vastused on postituse allosas)

Task 4: SB ex 4/ 75 READ

Task 5: SB ex 6/75 READ (moodusta küsimused)

Task 6: Feedback (Jäta 3 mõtet, võid sel korral kirjtuada ka eesti keeles)


* Let's practise writing now.

Task 1: WB p 78-79 (except ex 1,5 - need ülesanded võib tegemata jätta)

Task 2: Check your exercises carefully with the key provided

WB p 78 KEY

WB p 79 KEY

Task 3: Time to show your teacher what you have learned. Take out your notes about the film "Three men in a boat". Write now 3 affirmative sentences what they used to do, used to look like, used to eat  etc; 3 negative sentences and 3 questions. 9 sentences in total. If you prefer you can write them into your notebook and send a photo or send an email or a message at Stuudium.

(Teisipäevases tunnis tuli sul vähemalt pool tundi vaadata Jerome K. Jerome'i klassikaks muutunud raamatu põhjal (1889 aasta) tehtud filmi "Three Men in a Boat". Sul tuli tähelepanu pöörata erinevustele tänapäevaga võrreldes, märgata nende kõne, riietust, esemeid jne. Moodusta nüüd filmi põhjal 3 jaatavat lauset, mida varem tehti, aga enam mitte; 3 eitavat lauset, mida siis polnud tavaks; ja 3 küsimust.)

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Reading / Summary "1880"

NB! You need your notes about "Three Men in a Boat" on Friday, not today. 

Today's aims:
* read the text
* study 13 phrases
* learn how to tell the summary by using the phrases
* learn how to use Vocaroo and share your speaking with your teacher

Task 1: SB ex 1/74 READ (3 min)

Task 2: Find the phrases from the text. WRITE in English. (pane tähele, et minevikus olevad sõnad tuleb kirjutada algvormis) (7min)

1) otsima
2) Kord nädalas oleva 8 saate jooksul
3) taaselustab 19.sajandi alguse elu
4) tehnikavidinad
5)  elama taluelu
6) kraanivesi
7) käsitsi tegema
8) vett tooma
9) ise meelelahutust pakkuma
10) proovikatsed
11) oma vanust tõestama
12) eestkostja
13) luba andma

Did you find all 13? Good, please check them by scrolling down this post.  (2min)

Task 3: Now study the phrases by looking at the Estonian phrases. Can you say all of them in English? (3 min)

If yes, you can go on to next task.

Task 4: Make a summary by using your phrases. (Väljendite abil teksti kontekstist lähtuv kokkuvõte. Eesmärgiks on lausete suuline meelde jätmine, kui vajad, tee selleks märkmeid) (10 min)

Example: 1) otsima
A TV channel is looking for young people to participate in a new TV series called 1880.
2) Kord nädalas oleva 8 saate jooksul
Over 8 weekly episodes 8 teenagers will live on the farm.
3) taaselustab 19.sajandi alguse elu
They recreate life in the late 19th century.

Or you can combine 2 phrases together by saying: Over 8 weekly episodes 8 teenagers will live on the farm that recreates life in the late 19th century.

Please continue

Task 5: Go to website It's best to use your phone for that.

Record your sentences (summary of the text), share and send by clicking on an envelope-icon and then type your teachers address (her first name.her last

If it seems complicated, havea  look how form 3 learned how to use it (vaata ainult etappe, sest sinu tööülesandeks on ju jutustada teksti kokkuvõte) check HERE

Be proud of yourself! :-)

PS! Õpilased, kes mingil põhjusel mulle rääkimise lindistust saata ei saa, saatke sõnumitesse põhjus ja leian teile alternatiivi.


1) look for
2) over eight weekly episodes
3) recreate life in the late 19th century
4) gadgets
5)  lead a rural existence
6) running water
7) do by hand
8) fetch water
9) make their own entertainment
10) auditions
11) provide proof of your age
12) guardian
13) give you permission

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Unit 7: 18th March


In Unit 7 we are going to pay attention to some of the changes in the society.

* How did people use to live?
* It's a good chance to think about the elderly.
* The change in our language, traditions and technology.
* You can practise how to compare and express differences and similarities. So let's get started.

Task 1: Listen to the song and think what the meaning of "the "world" in this song is. What is he singing about? (SPEAK, this task should take about 5min)
CLICK HERE: "Change the world"

Task 2: So this was Eric Clapton. Look at the photos and try to guess which year they must have been taken. How his appearance has changed? Which photo is the oldest, second, third or fourth-oldest?? (SPEAK, 3 min)

Task 3: Next you need your student book. (15 min)

SB ex 1a/72 please WRITE (you can check your answers later)
SB ex 1b/72 SPEAK
SB ex 2/72 SPEAK
SB ex 3b/72 SPEAK
SB ex 5/72 WRITE

Task 4: click HERE to check your answers (5min)

Task 5: Sum up / Padlet  (10min)

* Find a photo from the internet which might have been taken around 50 years go (1970) and shows how people lived, looked or how a thing looked liked.
* Go to Padlet, upload it. Find "+" to add your post. Look at teacher's example.
* Write 5 sentences to describe your photo.
* Please don't forget to add your first name!
* On Friday you can see teacher's feedback on Stuudium.

Click here: Form 9 PADLET

Monday, March 16, 2020

St Patrick's Day and Ireland

Task 1: Read about Ireland

Task 2: Can you answer the following questions now? (You don't have to send them to your teacher, just take notes and remember the answers.)

* Which one is part of the United Kingdom and which one is a republic? Northern Ireland / The Republic of Ireland

All the following questions are about the Republic of Ireland
* What's the population? (2019 estimate)
* What are the official languages?
* When is St Patrick's Day?
* Is Ireland the least forested country in Europe?
* What's the highest point?
* What is Ireland's climate like?
* Which area gets the highest level of precipitation?
* What does Ireland mostly export?
* Which low-cost airline is registered in Ireland?
* What are the 3 biggest towns?
* Which band has been the best-selling act?
* How is the Irish potato pancake called?
* Which 2 sports attract the biggest number of spectators?

If you couldn't, please go back to the article.

Task 3: Watch and listen to the video carefully about St Patrick's Day

Task 4: Now go back to Stuudium and do the Quizizz test. You can find the link at Stuudium.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Unit 7: SB p 71

SB ex 1a/72

SB 3b/72

build a house
chop wood
grow food
milk a cow

SB ex 5/72

1) 7 million, 2) 5 billion, 3) your own answer