Monday, April 13, 2020

Unit 7: Telling tales

The aims of the lesson:

* to read examples of short stories
* study the use of linking words / time expressions
* start a creative writing project at WriteReader website

Task 1: SB ex 2/80 read (pööra tähelepanu mineviku ajavormide kasutusele. Aegade ühildumine - kui lause esimene pool on minevikus, siis kasutada minevikku ja teises lause osas.)

Task 2: SB ex 3a/80 read and translate (tõlgi suuliselt)

Task 3: SB ex 4/80 read and fill the gaps. Then check by scrolling down.  (täida lüngad HOW TO rohelises kastis olevate sõnadega, kontrolli postituse allosas)

Task 4: WB ex 1-4/84 to write

Task 5: Check your WB exercises by scrolling down to find appropriate link

Task 6: Preparation for the project "My Book" at WriteReader website. On Wednesday we are going to create a book by using WriteReader website.

7.1 You don't need to open an account - the teacher has added your name under class 8. Open another internet browser and copy the address:

Username: Write your first name starting with a capital letter. (Mari).  The ones who have a namesake in the class, add the first letter of your last name (Mari K)Who has a middle name, add both. (Mari-Violeta).

Class code: s2y2

Click on Enter

7.2 Click on that blue "+" mark to start creating your book.

7.3 Write your name as an author and add a title "My Book" - you can change it later. Click on the image icon and browse different options. You can also upload your own photos, if you wish.

Save your option for an image today, though you can change it later. PS! Your task tomorrow is to create a story in the past using time expressions.

7.4 Start a new page and try to find a microphone sign. Try to record your voice.

7.5 Find a direct speech "bubble".  Add it to your photo and write something into it.

 That's it for today. We will continue tomorrow and then you can learn more what your book is going to be about.


SB ex 4/80: 1) then, 2) Suddenly, 3) As soon as, 4) At first, 5) Meanwhile, 6) In the end

CLICK HERE: WB ex 1-4/84 key answers