Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Jorge Rodriquez-Gerada

 Video: How he created "We are the light"

Video: How "Out of Many, One" was created

1. Wish  (in Belfast, 2013)

2. Connection in Beirut, 2017

3. Perpetual Flow, in Morocco, 2019

4. Barack Obama (Barcelona, 2012)

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Writing skills: art

1) What is a description? How to write a description? 

 2) Choose 2 topics and write different paragraphs / descriptions. Expand them equally by giving examples, opinions and facts. Try to write about 10 sentences for each. 

1) The importance of art / culture

2) I am an artist 

3) I want to become an artist

4) What I think of ... (culture-related)

5) An artist and his works

6) How to write good poems, draw great pictures etc.

7) A play / A piece of music / a painting / a poem

8) Street art

9) My visit to a gallery / museum

10) The first time I .... (sth art-related)

* have you used different phrases to express likes and dislikes
* have you used varied sentence structures
* have you written "I" (not i)
* have you used short forms correctly (don't etc)
* have you used correct capitalization

Monday, November 22, 2021

7F: Granny Graffiti

Task 1: Find from the text

1) turistide hulgas populaarne

2) kudus ereroosa jaki

3) põhjustama, endaga kaasa tooma, tekitama, kaasnema

4) hullus

5) poe ukselink

6) parkimisautomaat

7) purskkaev

8) ajutine

9) naiselikum tegevus

10) seaduse silmis, seadust järgides

11) veealune muuseum

12) ohustatud liigid, hävimisohus liigid

13) muudab räpased linnad erksamaks, ilusamaks

 2: Check your phrases

1) popular with tourists

2) knitted a bright pink jacket

3) result in

4) craze

5) shop's door handle

6) parking meter

7) fountain

8) temporary

9) more feminine activity

10) in the eye of the law

11) underwater museum

12) endangered species

13) brightens up drab cities

Task 3: Translate

1) Rocky monument Philadelphia kunstimuuseumi juures on väga populaarne turistide hulgas.

2) Jessiet ärritas, et inimesed teevad kujust pilti muuseumisse minemata ja ta kudus erkroosa jaki poksija kujule selga.

3) Jessie loodab, et tema sõnum toob rohkem inimesi galeriid külastama. 

4) See hullus "lõnga pommitamine" sai arvatavasti alguse 2005. aastal.

5) Ühel päeval Magda kudus sinise-roosa katte poe ukselingile. 

6) Külastajatele see meeldis ja Magda tegi katteid teistelegi asjadele tänaval - stop-märgile, tänavavalgustile ja parkimisautomaadile.

7) Nüüdseks on  "lõnga pommitajate" grupid tosinas riigis ja nad on katnud bussipeatusi, jalgrattahoidlaid, isegi purskkaevusid. 

8) Nagu enamus tänavakunstist, on tööd ajutised ja hakkavad koost lagunema paari nädala jooksul.

9) Jessie usub, et enamik tänavakunstist on meeste poolt tehtud, aga "lõnga pommitamine" on rohkem naiselik tegevus. 

10) Seaduse silmis on tööd tehtud ilma loata, aga  tundub, et politsei võtab asja üsna leebe suhtumisega. 

11) Siiski, poola kunstnik sattus probleemidesse kinnitades kootud katted veealuses muuseumis Mehhikos. 

12) Tema katetel oli poliitiline sõnum - ta tahtis tõmmata tähelepanu ohustatud liikidele, aga muuseum väidab, et ta on ehk ise mereelu kahjustanud. 

13) Isegi kui näed "lõnga pommitamist" kui räpaste linnade erksamaks muutmisena, see hullus jätkub suure tõenäosusega. 

Task 4: Watch the video YARN BOMBING

Sunday, November 7, 2021


Task  1

M. Jackson



Task 2:
How to describe music?
* genre, rhythm, mood it creates, character, sound, speed, volume, instruments, lyrics

Adjectives: energetic, slow, bittersweet, happy, hypnotic, melancholy, passionate, romantic, emotional, sentimental, soft, pleasant, lifting, mellow, harmonious, repetitious, languid, bombastic, catchy, contemporary, danceable, deep, dramatic, electronic, entertaining, experimental, forte, funky, groovy, healing, in tune, out of tune, jazzy, lively, sophisticated, timeless, choral

Adverbs of degree: a bit, quite, too, extremely, strongly, excessively, firmly, 

Verbs: think, say, feel, reckon, believe, be sure, to be honest, guess

Task 3: Be a music critic

Song nr 1 - Basement Jaxx "Do your thing"

Song nr 2 - Lady Gaga / Bradley Cooper "Shallow"

Song nr 3 - Queen "I Want to Break Free"

Song nr 4 - David Bowie "Sorrow"

Song nr 5 - Astrud Gilberto "A girl from Ipanema"

Song nr 6 - Händel Messiah - Hallelujah

Song nr 7 - Dee-Lite "Groove is in the Heart"

Song nr 8 - Gustav Holst "St Pauls"

Song nr 9 - Metallica "The Memory Remains"

More classical pieces

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Writing an essay

Essay is a text which contains your opinion and facts. It should have an introduction, at least 2 paragraphs (arguments for and against) and a conclusion / your opinion. The language should be formal.  Try to use passive sentences and make rhetorical questions. 

A Vocational School vs a Secondary School


* In 2020 6,893 students finished a secondary school in Estonia. 
* 8,295 students finished a vocational school last year, 5,325 dropped out / quit studying. 
*  37 vocational schools
* 25,548 students studied in vocational schools in Estonia (2020), which is 6.4% more than a year earlier. 
* 23,600 students studied in secondary schools in Estonia (2020), which is 5.5% more than in 2019. 
* 41.7% of all vocational students were 25 years of age or older. 


First decide which do you favour - going to a vocational or a secondary school? Do not write as a conclusion yet!
What are its advantages? 
What opportunities it gives?

There must be some downsides too. What are they?
What are its disadvantages?

4) CONCLUSION / your opinion
Which type of school do you prefer?


* You have written at least 200 words. 
* You have analysed the advantages and disadvantages of both schools
* You have included at least one rhetorical question. 
* Your essay has at least 4 paragraphs (separated). 
* You have used passive voice (It is believed..., must be considered...etc)
* You have used at least some of these linking phrases: 
on the other hand, moreover, on balance, moving on to, firstly, not only...but, as a result, in fact, for instance, in addition to, besides, undoubtedly, however, on the contrary
* The language used is formal.
* You have written "I" (mina) in a capital letter.
* You have used capital letters and punctuation correctly. 
* You have used synonyms and different sentence structures. 

Presentation: A vocational school

 1) One student logs in to => open a Presentation => Share the presentation with the other students in your group. The other students log in to as well and open the document. 

2) Team 1: Choose a vocation school in Tallinn; 

Team 2: Tartu, Pärnu or Haapsalu; 

Team 3: Kehtna, Võru, Järvamaa or Kuresaare

Team 4: Rakvere, Ida-Virumaa, Räpina, Luua


3) Divide the roles, so that everybody is busy with a separate slide

* title page (name of the vocational school, team members, appropriate image)

* general facts (location, history, number of students and courses etc.)

* list of courses (brief introduction)

* more detailed introduction of one particular course (the one you found most interesting, include entry criteria)

* advantages of this school

4) Do not write (long) sentences. Make your slides look neat and visually attractive. Pay attention to font size and colour. Add suitable images. 

5) Check your spelling. 

In addition - if you have time, you can  choose a video to advertise the school but do not show more than 1.30 min of it. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Unit 6: Speaking Test

 1) Describe an interesting job. Which personal qualities are needed. Explain why. Do you think you have got the personal qualities needed for that job? 

2) Personal adjectives and nouns: Describe your character and somebody else's character. Which personal traits do you appreciate in others?

3) Speak about Nellie Bly, her achievements as a journalist and about her trip around the world. 

4) How to tackle the problem of plastics ending up in the oceans? 

5) Speak about Sophia Amoruso (Rags to Riches)

6) Educational system in the UK. What are the differences with Estonia?

7) Working abroad, enquiring about a job. What questions are asked? Give one example of a job, its responsibilities, experience required, hours of work and salary. 

8) Speak about your summer.

You are given 1 minute to prepare. 

You are expected to speak at least 2 minutes, but not more than 3. 

Be fluent, pay attention to your pronunciation

Give your opinion, bring examples, tell what you know (opinion + facts)

Try to vary your vocabulary,  use synonyms and different sentence structures


max 5p for task achievement

max 5p for fluency and vocabulary (try to use synonyms)

max 5 p for pronunciation

max 5p for grammar


18-20p “5”, 15-17p “4”, 10-14p “3”, <9p “2”

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Rags to Riches

 Task 1: Find from the text

1) riiete jaemüüja internetis -

2) enamik tegevjuhte -

3) tegema erinevaid igavaid töid -

4) hääletades / pöidlaküüdiga ringi reisima -

5) poevarguse eest kinni võtma -

6) vallandama - 

7) vastuvõtulaud

8) töökohalt ise ära tulema (lepingut lõpetama) -

9) kindla ajastu moeriided -

10) moeteadlik -

11) põhjuseks tooma -

12) värbama, tööle võtma -

13) arveldusarvet külmutama / kinni panema -

14) karjadena lisanduma - 

15) laod -

16) ennast ise üles töötama - 

Task 2: Summary

1) Sophia Amoruso on väga edukas riiete jaemüüja internetis. 

2) She ei ole keskmine ettevõtja ja kindlasti mitte sarnane enamikele tegevjuhtidele.

3) Ta tegi erinevaid igavaid töid, reisis hääletades ringi ja jäi poevargusega vahele.

4) Ta sai tööle kingapoes, kuid peagi vallandati sealt.

5) Tema järgmine töö oli kunstikooli vastuvõtulauas.

6) Ta huvitus moest ja fotograafiast ja tuli töölt ära.

7) Ta otsustas hakata ostma ja müüma kindla kümnendi disainerrõivaid - riideid, mis meeldiksid moeteadlikele naistele.

8) Ta guugeldas valesti kirjutatud disainerite nimesid ja ja tõi põhjuseks, et kes ei osanud õigesti kirjutada, ei teadnud ka riiete väärtust.

9) Ta võttis oma sõbrad modellidena tööle.

10) 2007. aastal eBay pani ta arveldusarve kinni.

11) Külastajad jooksid tormi tema MySpace lehele.

12) 2006. aastal kolis ta väikesest majast hiigelsuurde kontorisse ja laohoonesse. 

13) Paljud inimesed tema põlvkonnast justkui ei mõista, et sul tuleb end ise üles töötada. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

U6E: Phrasal verbs

 Task 1: What are separable and inseparable phrasal verbs?

If a phrasal verb is separable, it means you can separate the two words (verbs and prepositions) and put the direct object in the middle. If it is inseparable, then you can't do this.


* call sb up / call up sb: I'll call you up later. Can you call up all the students?

* cheer sb up

* figure sth out

* clean sth up

* put back


Inseparable (The object comes after the preposition / particle. 

* put up with sth

* come across

* get along with sb

Task 2: Phrases from our students book. Can you use synonyms?

1) come up with sth -

2) end up somewhere - 

3) break up into sth - 

4) call for -

5) work out sth - 

6) clean up by doing sth -

7) throw away -

8) sell for - 

9) run out of sth - 

10) look after sb -

11) run out of sth -

12) look down on sb/sth -

13) look up to sb -

14) look up - 

15) give sth up - 

16) bring sth up - 

17) take after sb -

18) count on sb -

19) hold sb up - 

20) ask sb out - 

21) come across sth -

22) turn into sth / sb -

23) call sth off - 

Task 3: A list of separable and inseparable phrases

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Unit 6C

Women who changed the world

 Nellie Bly

Margaret Fuller

Can you retell the story about Nellie Bly by looking at these Estonian phrases?

1) luges artiklit

2) anonüümne artikkel

3) ajalehe toimetaja

4) naisajakirjanikud

5) uuriv ajakirjanik

6) süüdistas

7) salajane töö

8) teesklema hullu, psühhiaatriahaigla

9) vaimselt haiged

10) suurim edu

Monday, May 3, 2021

4 May: Reading and Word Formation KEY

 Palun märkige ära kohad, kus te soovite küsida või kahtlete, et ka mõni teine vastus võiks õige olla. 

SB ex 2/106

1) B    2) C     3) A    4) D    5) C

SB ex 5/107

1) ability

2) higher

3) difference

4) easily

5) environmentally

6) useful

7) manufacturers

8) safety

SB ex 2/108

1) B    2) A    3) C    4) B    5) C    6) A

SB ex 4/109

1) growing

2) containers

3) smallest

4) clearly

5) harmful

6) imagination

7) suitable

8) appearance

SB ex 2/110

1) E    2) F    3) A    4) G    5) B     6) D   

SB ex 5/ 111

1) B     2) D    3) B   4) B    5) A    6) A   7) D    8) A   9) B

Monday, March 15, 2021


Take turns to recall a situation. Answer questions when, where, who.

1) you misunderstood or misheard a word and started to do a wrong thing

2) you mistook someone for someone else in a public place

3) you dialled a wrong number

4) you bought something which wasn't what you had wanted it to be

5) you didn't understand a teacher or they didn't understand you correctly

6) you misunderstood each other at home

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Planning your school day

 Think about today. Share your ideas and thoughts in groupwork. 

1) What was your morning like? How did you prepare for today's school day? What do you do to get your mind and body "awake" for school? How much information about your school day did you find from Stuudium? Did it help you plan your school day? Did you take any notes? 

2) Look at your timetable. What were / are today's tasks in different lessons? When, what, how and how long did you study and have planned to study today for different lessons? 

3) When, how and how long did you take and have planned to take breaks between different tasks? When and what will you eat? 

4) Are there any school tasks which deadline is not today yet, but you can prepare them in advance? If yes, when, what, how and how long have you planned to study for these tasks today?

5) Do you have any other tasks today, this week? (music school etc.) When? What? How long?

6) What can you do after studying to keep your day balanced? How can you award yourself for your hard work? How can you keep work and leisure time separate?

7) What can you do differently today, tomorrow or this week? What "mistakes" can you avoid? 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Unit 7: Word banks

 1) Can you say/write 10 different art forms?

2) .... 10 different type of artists?

3) .... 10 art-related verbs?

4) ... 10 cultural activities?

5) ... 10 musical instruments?

6) ... 10 music genres?

7) ... 10 aspects of music?

8) .. 10 phrases to express likes and dislikes?

Monday, January 11, 2021

Tour Guides

 Welcome to Rapla!

5 facts, 3 adjectives to describe, your opinion








8. 2021


10. 2021