Thursday, September 19, 2024

Reported Speech


Baamboozle => Games => Search for a game => enter this number Game Code: 448765

Game Code: 2477287

Task 1: Statements 1

Task 2: Statements (and 1 command)

Task 3:  Statements She said that....

Task 4: Statements 2

Task 5: Statements 3

Check SB ex 8/85

1) was

2) couldn't

3) had survived

4) had been

5) had hit

6) had noticed

7) had stayed

8) had

9) was

10) was getting

11) hadn't stopped

12) was planning

13) didn't like

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The sensory world of animals

 1) What is "umwelt" and who started to use this term?

2) What was said about the sense of taste?

3) What did you learn about the sight?

4) What did you learn about sea otters? (touch)

5) Describe an owl's sense of hearing?

Alexander von Uexküll 

* Sankt Petersburg

* The University of Dorpat 

* Haimre manor

Jakob von Uexküll

* Keblaste manor (1864)
* The University of Tartu (1884-1889)
* The University of Hamburg (1925 ...)
* How living beings perceive their environment / Umwelt Institute (1926)
* summer cottages at Puhtu and Virtsu (1929-1939) => research station (1949)
* Capri
* Jakob von Uexküll Centre

Monday, September 16, 2024

Reported Speech

Task 1: Study the shifts

"Direct speech"
Reported speech
 1. there
2. now
 2. then, at that moment
3. yesterday
 3. the day before, the previous day
4. tomorrow
 4. the next day, the following day
5. this
 5.  that
6. these
 6.  those
7. today
 7.  that day
8. tonight
 8.  that night
9. last week
 9. the week before, the previous week 
10. next week
 10.  the next week, the following week
11. ago
 11.  before
12. soon
 12.  later
13. plays
 13.  played
14. were
 14.  had been
15. am going
 15. was going
16. has seen
 16.  had seen
17. were drawing
 17.  had been drawing
18. don’t imagine
18.  didn't imagine
19. didn’t go
 19.  hadn't gone
20. will
 20. would
21. have to
 21.  had to
22. can
 22.  could
23. could                                23. could /was, were able to
24. must                                 24. had to / must
25. may                                  25. might
26. might                               26. might
27. should                              27. should
28. would  (like)                    28. would (like)

Task 2: Reporting verbs

How many different reporting verbs do you know?

Task 3 : Time shifts and the change of adverbs

Direct speech
Reported speech
2. now
3. yesterday
4. tomorrow
5. this
6. these
7. today
8. tonight
9. last week
10. next week
11. ago
12. soon
13. plays
14. were
15. am going
16. has seen
17. were drawing
18. don’t imagine
19. didn’t go
20. will
21. have to
22. can

Thursday, September 12, 2024

adverb + adjective collocations

absolutely necessary,  amazing, clear, delicous, essential, exhausting, overwhelming, perfect, ridiculous, delighted

amazingly entertaining, successful

bitterly cold, disappointed, disappointing, opposed, resentful

brilliantly executed

completely absorbed, acceptable, disgusted, honest, different

ridiculously cheap, expensive

 reasonably priced

actively involved

badly injured

conveniently located

deadly serious

deeply ashamed, saddened, hurt

fiercely competitive

fully aware, open

heavily armed

highly recommended, unlikely, 

perfectly clear

reasonably priced

really amazing, happy

seriously ill, tempted

strictly forbidden

terribly disappointed / disappointing

totally indifferent, unrealistic, unbelievable

utterly irresistable, stupid

widely accepted, available, 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Unit 7: Senses



  • 1. 

    What Are The Little Bumps On Your Tongue Called?

  • 2. About How Many Taste Buds Do People Have In Their Mouth?

  • 3. True Or False: The Sweet Taste Buds Are In The Front of Your Tongue.
  • 4. Which Sense Is The Weakest Of The Five Senses?
  • 5. Does your sense of taste change as you get older?
  • 6. Can you taste spicy food?
  • 7) What substance in the mouth helps break down food? a) acid, b) chemicals, c) saliva, d) water

Video: Taste

Task 1: Phrases

1) väga kasulikud

2) teadlastele tuginedes

3) meelsamini, parema meelega

4) vanad (eelajaloolised) eelkäijad

5) laialt levinud

6) erakordselt ettevaatlik

7) vahet tegema

8) eristama

9) sülg

10 ) ära tundma, tuvastama

11) taju

12) teaduslik selgitus

Task 2: Check your phrases

1) highly beneficial

2) according to scientists

3) more favourably

4) prehistoric ancestors

5) widely available

6) exceptionally careful

7) distinguish

8) differentiate

9)  saliva

10) detect

11) perception

12) scientific explanation

Task 3: Translate

1) Toidueksperdid rõhutavad, et köögiviljad on väga kasulikud sinu tervisele. 

2) Teadlastele tuginedes ei ole noorte inimeste maitsemeel (maitsesensorid) valmis tundma mõnede köögiviljade kibedat maitset. 

3) Meie maitsemeel areneb vanemaks saades ja me võime siis suhtuda kapsasse või spinatisse parema meelega. 

4) Meie vanad eelkäijad sõid palju magusaid puuvilju, sest need olid laialt levinud, lihtne puudel ja põõsastel märgata ja heaks energiaallikaks. 

5) Nad said samuti sellest aru, et tuleb olla erakordselt ettevaatlik taimedega, millel on kibe maitse kuna need olid tihti mürgised. 

6) Meie maitsemeel suudab eristada nelja maitset: kibe/mõru, magus, soolane ja hapu. 

7) Tüdrukutel on tundlikum maitsemeel ja nad suudavad eristada maitseid kergemini. 

8) Kui me haistame toitu, meie suu toodab sülge ja see kannab maitse maitsesensoriteni. 

9) Meie nina suudab tuvastada 10 000 erinevat lõhna. 

10) Toidu tekstuur on samuti oluline selle maitse tajumiseks. 

11) Kui sulle ei meeldi mõne köögivilja välimus, tekstuur või maitse, siis sellel on ülemaailmselt aktsepteeritud teaduslik selgitus. 

Correct answers to the quiz

1) Papillae are the little bumps on the tongue that contain taste buds. They help in detecting different tastes such as sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. These bumps increase the surface area of the tongue, allowing for better taste perception.

2) The average person has approximately 10,000 taste buds in their mouth. These taste buds are located on the tongue, as well as on the roof of the mouth and the back of the throat. Taste buds are responsible for detecting different tastes such as sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. However, it is important to note that the number of taste buds can vary from person to person.

3) FALSE: The concept of specific taste zones on the tongue (e.g., sweet, sour, bitter) arranged in distinct regions (e.g., front, back, sides) is a common misconception. Research has shown that taste buds sensitive to different tastes are distributed across the entire tongue, rather than being localized to specific regions. Taste buds for sweetness are found throughout the tongue, not just in the front. The tongue's ability to detect various tastes is a complex and integrated process involving taste buds all over its surface.

4) The correct answer is taste. Taste is considered the weakest of the five senses because it relies on the stimulation of taste buds on the tongue, which can be easily influenced by factors such as temperature, texture, and smell. Additionally, taste is subjective and can vary greatly between individuals.

5) It gets weaker. As we age, our sense of taste tends to decline, making it weaker. This can be attributed to various factors such as a decrease in the number of taste buds, changes in the structure and function of taste receptors, and a decline in saliva production. Additionally, certain medical conditions, medications, and lifestyle factors can also contribute to a diminishing sense of taste. Therefore, it is common for individuals to experience a weakening of their sense of taste as they get older.

6) No. Spicy is not a taste that the tongue can detect. The tongue can detect sweet, salty, and bitter tastes, but spicy is not actually a taste. Spiciness is actually a sensation caused by the chemical compound called capsaicin, which stimulates the pain receptors in the mouth and creates a burning sensation. Therefore, while we may perceive spiciness as a taste, it is not actually detected by the taste buds on the tongue.

7) C. Saliva is the substance in the mouth that helps break down food. Saliva contains enzymes, such as amylase, that begin the process of breaking down carbohydrates in food. These enzymes help to break down the complex molecules into simpler forms that can be easily absorbed and digested by the body. Additionally, saliva helps to moisten food, making it easier to chew and swallow. Overall, saliva plays a crucial role in the initial stages of digestion by facilitating the breakdown of food in the mouth.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Jane Austen

 Watch the video and find out:

1) When did she live?

2) How many novels did she write? Name at least 3 of them. 

3) What are the main topics in her novels?

4) Could she publish her books under her real name?

5) Did her books provide her a good living?

6) Did she get married? 
