* Choose a book which is not too easy nor too difficult for you and that you find interesting.
* It needs to have minimum 75 pages. It can contain pictures.
* Read the book through.
* Prepare your presentation. The questions are to help you - you do not need to answer all of them!
1. TITLE PAGE: title of the book
2. INTRODUCTION : author, what kind of book. Why did you choose this book?
When was it published? Where did you get that book? Have you read any other books written
by the same author.
3. SETTING (olustiku kirjeldus): Where were they? When did the story take place?
What was the landscape, nature like? What about the buildings, streets or rooms? What was
the weather like? What season was it?
4. CHARACTERS (tegelaste kirjeldus): Who were the main characters? What were they like?
How did they look like?
What did they like or dislike? What made them happy or unhappy?
5. PLOT (olulisim info tegevustiku kohta): What happened? What problems did they face?
How did the story develop?
What is the moral of the story?
6. CONCLUSION: What did you think of the book? Who do you recommend reading it?
Was it easy to understand?
Marking scale
1) Task - max 5p ( piisavalt mahukas - kui soravalt rääkida, siis eesmärgiks 2-3-minutiline
suuline ettekanne või üks A4 kirjaliku töö korral, pead sisaldama oma arvamust)
2) Organization - max 5p (ülesanne täidetud vastavalt juhistele tekitades hea ülevaate loetud raamatust,
kõik punktid täidetud, loogiline)
3) Deadline max 3p (tähtajast kinnipidamine annab 3p, mittekinnipidamine 0p,
st. pärast tähtaega pole võimalik enam hinnet "5" saada)
4) Speaking - max 5p (ladus. läbimõeldud, arusaadav hääldus, silmside kuulajatega,
üksikud märkmed võivad ees olla, maha lugemine pole lubatud)
17-18p "5", 13-16p "4", 9-12p "3", 0-8p "2"
Written report has an extra criterion:
4) Layout (kirjaliku töö vormistus ja ülesehitus)- max 5p (kas laused on õigete teemade all,
loogiline ülesehitus, korrektsus)
20-23p "5"
17-22p "4"
11-16p "3"
>10p "2"
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