Task 1: Past Perfect
Task 4: Type-3 conditional sentences
Task 5: conditionals Type I, II or III
Task 6: Conditionals - write
Task 7: If, unless, when, even if ...
Task 1: Past Perfect
Task 4: Type-3 conditional sentences
Task 5: conditionals Type I, II or III
Task 6: Conditionals - write
Task 7: If, unless, when, even if ...
1) see, will tell
2) slept, would improve
3) freeze, turns
4) wanted, would ring up
5) need, will help
6) will have, is
7) would understand, spoke
8) see, show
9) will finish, can
10) go, feel
11) would make, took
12) won't need, doesn't rain (Also possible: don't need, doesn't rain)
13) catch, will arrive (Also possible: caught, would arrive)
14) doesn't know, looks
15) would get, walked
16) promises, will forgive (Also possible: promised, would forgive)
17) want, will come
18) could, would come
19) heat, boils
20) would lose, stopped
21) would be, had
If you study hard, you will pass your exams.
You will pass your exams if you study hard.
Zero conditional (0-type)
We use the zero conditional to talk about things that are generally or always true, especially for laws, rules and facts. As you can see you have to use Present Simple in both parts of the sentence. (O-tüüpi tingimuslauset kasutatakse siis, kui lause on üldiselt või alati tõene, eriti seaduste, reeglite ja faktide puhul. Mõlemas lause pooles on lihtolevik)
If I drink too much coffee, I can't sleep at night.
Ice melts if you heat it.
When the sun goes down, it gets dark.
First conditional (I-Type)
We use the first conditional when we talk about particular future situations we believe are real or possible or for predicting a particular situation. We use Present Simple with the if-clause and Future Simple / Will + infinitive with the result. (1.tüüpi tingimuslauseid kasutada tulevikku suunatud olukordade kirjeldamiseks, mis kellegi arvates on tõesed, mida keegi ennustab või mis on võimalikud. Pealauses ehk tulemuse väljendamise pooles kasutada lihtolevikku ja If-pooles ehk tingimuse osas kasutada lihttulevikku / will + tegusõna algvorm)
I'll leave as soon as the babysitter arrives.
I don't want to stay in London unless I get a well-paid job.
I'll give you a key in case I'm not at home.
You can go to the party, as long as you're back by midnight.
Second conditional
The second conditional is used to imagine present or future situations that are impossible or unlikely in reality. These sentences express somebody's wishes or dreams. Main clause contains WOULD + infinitive, if-clause Past Simple. Depending on the meaning you can use other modal verbs instead of would, such as COULD, HAD TO, SHOULD. ( 2. tüüpi tingimuslaused kasutada olukordades, mis pole võimalikud või on tegelikkuses ebareaalsed. Need laused väljendavad kellegi soovi ja unistusi. Eesti keeles kasutame -ks lõppe: kui teeKS, siis juhtuKS. Pealauses kasutada WOULD + algvormi ja if-pooles lihtminevikku. Olenevalt lause tähendust võib kasutada ka teisi modaalsõnu nagu could, had to, should.)
If we had a garden, we could have a cat.
If I won a lot of money, I'd buy a big house in the country.
I wouldn't worry if I were you.
Task 1: Write down currencies in English that you know
Task 2: Watch the video and try to remember as many currencies as possible
Watch the video: World currencies
Task 3: Learn the words in bold by heart (you do need to know all the countries where the particular currency is valid, but it is good if you can name at least one). Numbers in front of the countries show how important the currency is amongst most traded currenies in the world.
Dram (Armenia)
Lek (Albania)
Kyat (Myanmar)
Dinar (Serbia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Algeria, Bahrain, Tunesia, Jordan)
Yuan (China)
Yen (3. Japan)
2. Euro (most of Europe)
Rupee (Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India)
Afghani (Afghanistan)
Riyal (Saudi Arabia, Qatar)
Hryvnia (the Ukraine)
Rand (South Africa)
Peso (the Philippines, Mexico, Argentina)
Kuna (Croatia)
Koruna (Czech Republic)
Tenge (Kazakhstan)
Ruble (Russia, Belarus, )
Sol (Peru)
Lev (Bulgaria)
Lira (Turkey)
Forint (Hungary)
Dirham (United Arab Emirates, Morocco)
Manat (Azerbaijan)
Dollar (5. Australia, 6. Canada, 1. the USA, Grenada, Dominica, St. Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, Montserrat, Anguilla, St. Vincent, Fiji, Barbados, Belize, 10. New Zealand, Brunei, Singapore, Bermuda, The Bahamas, Cayman Islands, 8. Hong Kong)
Taka (Bangladesh)
Rupiah (Indonesia)
Won (South Korea)
Dong (Vietnam)
Baht (Thailand)
Ringgit (Malaysia)
Real (Brazil)
Pound sterling (4. The UK, the Isle of Man, Guernsey, St. Helena, Gibraltar, Faltkland Islands, )
Zloty (Poland)
Shekel (Israel)
Lari (Georgia)
Franc (7. Switzerland)